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He can do that. He actually can do that. It's not illegal because the only legal thing is is if you kill her Like the amount of times she hit him. He has the right to hit her back Maybe not knock her out, but hit her back. You have the right to do that As long as she hit you first bro, you could hit her as hard as you fucking want so Bye guys
That was actually kind of funny as fuck. I was like, I thought it was one of those other videos where I just Girl should just be hitting on guys and he does absolutely nothing and that would be so bad But he fuck his face, punched the shit out of her. That shit was so funny Like he tried to tell you like you were hitting him, but no you didn't wanna fucking listen So you got what you wanted like come on now
Nah, bro's in the right here. Personally, I would not take that kind of disrespect. She hit him. He put up with it. He tried to be civil. She kept hurting him. And bro snapped. I don't fucking blame him. It was a good fucking punch too.
I'm sorry though, but everybody's everybody here. You're seeing this the way he's reacting to that woman And there's something called self-defense with that And I just like to say I applaud this man because you should not be allowing yourself get hit by anyone Regardless on the face though. I know that that um Violence should not be condoned or violence is not justified But the way young this woman was was doing it though She really picked a fight with him