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Create a band of fun tips to earn more money. Number one, post engagements are the easiest and fastest way to earn money. For H&M's sound post, rewards are based on formula of likes and comments, so make sure you include both in your engagement. Number two, liking other people's sound posts plus engaging by commenting counts as engagement as well, meaning you get a reward for that as well under post engagements. Number three, make your own lives. Get involved in your own talks or hop in someone else's lives. Make sure you be playing messages because those are a major part of it. Lives get rewarded based on how long you're on live, how many people are listening to the live and messages. Number four, referring new users to stereo. You earn up to $3 per user. You must share your link of your profile to them and they click on it and they join stereo. They must be active for three days in a row for you to be get rewarded. So I hope these tips come handy for the new people joining the Create a Band of Fun. Talk on! Dream you! Play!