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oh my god you are literally so fucking pretty i refuse to believe you're real there's no way someone as beautiful as you is just walking around freely just walking around mm-hmm no like you you gotta kiss me to prove to prove to me that you're real otherwise i just won't believe it
Big DBS shit, Big DBS. Bro, get your weird-ass song, you fruity ******. It's like you got multiple pronouns, you nasty hoe. Ugh! You sound like a disqualified gremlin from the fucking trolls.
bro shut the fuck up you're literally 14 and your account is absolutely not it what even is that profile picture also um my comment had absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality or my pronouns i was just complimenting this absolutely stunning woman so you can stop stalking my account and stop being homophobic you weird asshole um stop getting pressed and stop being gross and literally go kill yourself
So, it's apparently simping, when it's public information, like, I'm 14, fine, that's public information, I'm not gonna say that, stop it. But you got mad, that, I told you the truth, about your dirty ass. You probably made a decision, of being, uh, whatchamacallit, before you probably turned older. And as in, you have no fucking room to talk, you nasty slut, you dirty bitch, you're mad your mom was giving heads to 5 gay kids behind the fucking bus, you nasty ass *****, you lame as hell. Talking about some kill yourself, kill yourself, bitch.