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those of you guys who know me I'm Blake and I just created this account a long time ago so my question is to you guys is is there any way can you guys help me find like a way to communicate to my friends on here at my group home because I was trying to explain it up about my life and how I wanted to go see my disease mother or my mom who passed away in November 2020 and I wanted to go there but I just don't want them to feel like they should be you know driving all the way there and then driving all the way back this is like 40 minutes to get there because I live in Levine and my mom's cemetery is in Santan but I was wondering if you guys have any pointers of where you guys could just help me out so that I can understand it because I have autism and it's hard for me to understand like the truth of it but at the same time I'm trying to figure out like how I should explain this simpler so that they would understand it and get the words that what I'm trying to translate to them so if you guys could please give me some advice that would be great thank you
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