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I got a question, Stereo. I got a question. Maybe it's a stupid question. Why was she able to pronounce the first T in turtle but not the second T? How did it go from being a turtle to a turla? What the fuck did the second T do to this woman? That's what I want. What the fuck did the second T do to her that the first T got love, but the second T, nah, fuck that. That one's silent. We just gonna skip to the L and it's a turla now. Fuck the second T. The second T don't even matter. Now it's a turla. Help me out. Where the fuck did the second T go? I don't know. I don't know.
It's a snapping turtle. It's a snapping turtle. He ready to snap too. He ready to snap too. That's a bop. I'm finna play this at all the barbecues. It's a snapping turtle. Y'all better stop making fun of these country folks. Y'all understand what she said. Don't do that please. Don't do that please.
A snapping turtle, my lord, a snapping turtle, my lord, a prehistoric creature, submerged or emerged out of the water, under the water, what are you going to do when it bites you? Got to keep your distance because it's a snapping turtle, my lord, snapping turtle, my lord.
I'm crackin' the fuck up. It's a snap and turla. What happened was that medication that Barbara Jean is supposed to take on a day-to-day basis, it had kicked in. That's what happened. Her tongue went numb for like ten seconds. That's what happened.