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Have you tried the new confessions? Secret confessions? I don't know where it's at. I don't know how it works. But if you do know, please leave a message and tell me how it works. Cause I would love to see how this is gonna work on stereo. I think it's interesting to say the least. Salty coffee.
yeah it's kind of weird i try to it seems like they replaced the posts with the secret confessions then the secret confessions is in the group you know these updates are ridiculous
Secret lovers, that's what we are. Oh snap, this is, yeah, ridiculous. I mean, okay, I can't wait to get into that closet to confess my secrets anonymously.
I don't know how it works. I saw it too. I don't see any button anywhere that says tell me your secrets. People do that anyway. They've been doing it for years. People saying stuff on here that should be secret.