Wirm Million The Mayan Iconography My Last Post Was Based On. Blood Rituals Ancestor Worship and Mysticism. what are some similarities between Precolumbian Religions and Christianity? Is this an example of...
Twngy 👁️✨🎨🖌️🧨🔥♻️🗑️ 👁️✨🎨🖌️🧨🔥♻️🗑️::STREETART::Miami- Fl Local artist aholsniffsglue painting trash and turning it into valuable art pieces::GEOGRAPHIES OF TRASH:::: #kg #sfx #grafitti #streetart👁️ 👁️✨🎨🖌️🧨🔥♻🗑
Bego Davila ¿Qué prefieres, un trabajo que odias pero pagan muy bien o uno que te encanta pero pagan fatal?
Jotaecp Lo mejor del veranos son las ferias de los pueblos 🕺🍻The best of summer are the festivals of the towns #fiesta #party