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Making friends as a mom just talk about it I would like to know how has your experience going to make your friends mom even becoming an adult I feel like making friend has been so much harder maybe it's just me maybe because I'm a homebody and I'm always home and also still showing Zaidi so I'm definitely not a social butterfly as I can just make friends anywhere ago but how has it been open I wanna see made one phone on the peanut app and if you guys heard about it To make friends how has your experience been making friends as a mom sometimes I do make friends and 95 kids to the park because I can't like one of the friendships I just in that moment making friends but I do have those no interactions when I take my kids to the park into those play areas but how has your experience been
I completely agree with you. I'm a homebody as well and also I have social anxiety, so it's hard for me to want to reach out and meet new people, but I try, but it's difficult.
I did make one new friend she lives in Iowa and I live in Michigan so we don't really see each other but we talk every day and it's great but I wish we could be closer so we could make that real