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Jojo 596d
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Sir Charlo
Nick Cooper 596d
Nick Cooper
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Sir Charlo
Teen x 594d
Teen x
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Sir Charlo
Teen x
Teen x
Blakeq 594d
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What's going on y'all, this is part three on steps to self improvement, you're going to want to improve your diet. Because you can't just go to the gym, work out, get that pump in and expect to have the right energy to be able to build those muscles up to be able to burn that fat to be able to have a healthy conductive day. What you're going to want to do is consume more protein, more fiber and less fat. A lot of the times the things that we eat in this world, you know, snacks on the shelves, things of that nature, they're high in sodium, high, high in salt, high in sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and all those things, things that cause us to fail things that cause us to slug things that cause us to slow down in women in particular things that cause you to bloat things of the sort. You have to cut those things down to a minimum in your diet, because it will all around just throw off your function. So consuming more protein consuming more fiber like you see this plate in front of me. These are some chops of beef on rice with some sweet potatoes and some greens. You're also going to want to consume something on along the lines of a zero calorie zero sugar soda. I most definitely recommend soda like Zevia. It has zero sugar, zero calories and overall is more healthy for your system because soda can also cause bloating because of the extra sugar excess and stuff. Then also wants to switch to canola oil and olive oil with your fried foods. I remind you based oils, casual oils in general are going to have a higher amount of fat in it. And that's going to cause numerous problems with consumption. But these actually have helpful benefits. They're anti inflammatories and a whole bunch of other things. Yeah, hopefully this helps out peace
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Man, eat my ass instead, lil' *****. Fuck all that bullshit, I'll eat my cheeseburger, *****. Hell nah, fam. I'm good. I'm good at that, bitch.
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what you fail to realize is eating burgers counts dude you can eat burgers too that's the whole point it just depends on where you get them from but i don't know you do what you want to do i guess
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*****, tell me what cheeseburger healthy. The fuck? Every cheeseburger's gonna be bad for you. And I stay with that shit. Rain on it.
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You know, I'm gonna be honest, I didn't listen to like, uh, any of it, I kinda paused, I kinda paused the first three seconds, but that food looks gross, um, and I don't care about your self-improvement, just because you're shitty doesn't mean you have to share your journey with other people that are doing better than you, like me, I'm really cool, and everyone in the comments will back me up on that, right guys?
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