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As your official publisher, I'm gonna have to ask you to form a contract with me To gain all rights and all access to have you sing I'm thinking Top of the million
Nah bro she can't understand you so I'm gonna take advantage of this situation and say words that she can't understand She on her way to Broadway, Broadway!
Have you ever tried like singing musicals or like or you and I don't know what you're into like yeah I know you like to sing and stuff like I don't know what kind of stuff you're in two hours and oh my god this stutters real fuck
okay, I see how things are, I know you're just commenting on this to be like but like, you were able to hold that note for that time that's impressive, I mean, Hannah, Haley, Samantha, whatever her name is if you dance, I'll dance, that's good and all but like, oh, you impressed me, that's cool and I think you should go places with it, cause I love you have a great day, you sick little freak couldn't tuck you in at night, I love you