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Bro take those off. You know minecraft flare How do you get the elytra then? Hmm? How do you make a charge creeper? Hmm? How do you get a mob head? Hmm? Yeah, but you don't know
Why wouldn't she know? Is it because she's a girl? You think girls don't play Minecraft too? Like, maybe she does. What do you mean she doesn't know? You probably don't even know her. Like... Now you're just hating on her because she's a girl and you don't think she can play Minecraft? You need to go find something better to do.
bro don't call me a **** because i literally just corrected this dude like what is wrong with you like you're gonna call me a **** because i corrected somebody and it wasn't even you so where did you even come from like goodbye
oh my god i love minecraft i love it so much but i hate creepers i hate them with a passion honestly i fucking hell i was building i don't even notice like where the fuck was the the sound there was no sound and the all i heard was an explosion from behind me oh my god my farm everything was destroyed i was i was so sad i couldn't even play for like
Honestly, I love them so much. Also, Koffer is fucking useless. What's the point of that? Why? Why did they add it? Oh my god. I'm just dumbfounded. I don't know what to do with it.
Exactly, that's what I was thinking. That's what I was thinking. There's literally no point, no point in it. They should either remove it or do something with it so that it can be somewhat useful, but not so useful. You know what I mean? Because you can literally find it fucking everywhere.
Honestly, it really does, because I don't want to go mining and see a whole bunch of fucking copper, and then just, oh god, don't even want to fucking mine it because of how useless it is, you know? Just takes up fucking space for no reason.