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Tah 594d
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Don Of Stereo
Don Of Stereo 594d
Don Of Stereo
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Don Of Stereo 594d
Don Of Stereo
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Renee 591d
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Tah 594d
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Don Of Stereo
Tah 594d
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Don Of Stereo
Tah 594d
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Tah 594d
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Tah 594d
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This is the dumbest fuckin' argument I ever heard in my life. Like, you're not deadass right now. You sound fuckin' dumb. Well, I know it's Dr. Umar, but you believin' in this shit? You're fuckin' dumb. Like, actually stupid.
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Ugly-ass thot, you only defending it because you're a P.D. fowl. That's the only reason why you doing it. You like all them ****** molesting and fondling and disrespecting you. It ain't our fault that you like two leavers shoved up your booty. So at the end of the day, shut your bitch ass up. Only on the Hoodie Stereo. When Dr. Umar Johnson is talking, hoes get to walking. Know what it is. The Don has spoken, you ugly bitch.
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you call everybody ugly but I want to know what the fuck you look like cuz you look like a black dirty fucking smoker you're dirty ass you sound dirty your voice is man drainy like chill with that you're an old head learn your place and get off social media go on a block and smoke your crack anyways dr. was a dumbass and so are you
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Hey, Thot, shut your bitch ass up. Don't nobody give a fuck about what you think. You want to sit here and leave replies so the Don can eat through your dumb ass. How about you put a picture up so I could roast you or shut the fuck up. The fact that you're defending pedophiles lets me know you're a pedophile. Shut up. Shut up, you pedophile supporter. You are for the castration and mutilating of children. So don't nobody give a fuck what you think, you ugly bitch. And yeah, you is a ugly bitch.
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Let me make this clear for all my haters if you don't even got a picture You don't even got your age up and you think that I'm gonna sit here and listen to children and ratchet holes Talk crazy on my post y'all got another thing coming only on the hoodie stereo If you are a child or a bitch that support thotism, please don't join my post unless you want smoke
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Nobody's a pedophile, cuz at the end of the fucking day, who is letting kids get reassignment surgery? Nobody. The only thing that people allow is for their kids to say they're trans. That's it. And if bitches got a problem with it, that's your fucking issue. Like I said, go smoke your crack and go suck a dick. Respectfully. Bye.
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pedophile the fact you defend pedophiles you a pedophile bitch you was touched when you was younger you probably wanted a sex change you probably d wade's son best friend you gay bitch shut your whole ass up it's time for men to rule we gave y'all hoes time and y'all bitches is stupid shut the fuck up and go eat a donkey dick you stupid bitch
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You're a dumbass. You don't know the difference between sexuality and gender. Are you dumb? What's the difference? Because obviously you don't know it. You're dumb. And I'm not a gay man. So you sound stupid. Your insults make no sense to me. I'm a whole girl. You sound dumb. Dumbass *****.
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Bitch only cuz you was touched when you was nine don't mean other kids want that only cuz you was forced to suck pop Stickle sticks the flavor of your daddy you nasty bitch doesn't mean other kids want that You're a hoe and a pedophile supporter. You want a child? That's why you support pedophilia because you want to be with a child. So guess what bitch? Go be a pedophile somewhere else, but we don't support that here only on the hoodie stereo
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you are really a dumbass like you're really dumb I don't everything you say sounds fucking stupid you're not making any sense right now I'm a pedophile because I'm okay with my kids loving other people you okay with your kid being straight right the fuck
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I wasn't touched. And I don't even like kids. I don't like them sexually, I don't like them no type of way. I don't want kids. So you're, you sound dumb. You're dumb. You just homophobic, that's all it is. Stop trying to shield it, say it with your chest. Fucking pussy. You're a fucking pussy. That's what you are. And if you have kids, I feel bad for them.
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I'mma leave you alone though, you know why? Cause all you want is attention Cause you're a fucking attention seeker And you're an old ass man On social media That's sad That's real sad I hope you overdose
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