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It's whatever we create it to be. Gotta get on them dreams and achieving them goals to accomplish the dreams. I mean, maybe everyone should join together and just stop banking. Wouldn't that remove control? Peace.
You know what Cash? I like the way you think. That's the reason why I am becoming my own bank and learning more about Boley Coley and all these bank rates and insurances and yeah. I'm with you Cash. I'm with you.
Absolutely man, I'm glad that somebody is. But in all seriousness, all these fines that the banking industry has put on the people are excessive and that's unconstitutional per the Eighth Amendment. Peace!
Y'all look through the camera in the head that somebody say something like, just this, just that, I'm happy to get on the interstate. I feel like, you know, I need to be talked about, I need light to be shown to it. I like this poster, I fuck with it.