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Destaadude 596d
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Jake Daffy 597d
Jake Daffy
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Chris Hager 596d
Chris Hager
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RCThethirdjr 596d
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So basically, on the right we got my barber, on the left we got some sexy beautiful buff guy over there yeah, looking fabulous, comment on this if you want to send me ***** please.
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The guy on the left looks fucked. I'll take that fucking can in his hand and squeeze it over his fucking head. The guy on the right, I'll rip his fucking pants open and then fucking put them over his head. The guy on the left also, I'll fucking take his sandals and beat him with them. And I'll take his other fucking sandal and beat the other guy with it. Fucking scumbags.
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You're not capable of any of this. You smell, you stink, you fucking have no life, you smell, you stink twice, and you stink like shit, and you just shut the fuck up because you're a neek and you're not on badness, you're not on anything, you're a civilian, you chill at home, you're sat on stereo, you're self-chilling. Stop being so rude, man. Shut up and suck your mum. Please.
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