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Bro, if I were to rate you, I would give you like, I would give you like an 8, but because like the fit and stuff, and plus that you actually show like, you show your face, like, I don't care about like, about women showing their bodies, but like, if they actually show like their face and stuff, then yeah, I'll give them a higher rating, so like, since you show your face, I'll give you like an 8, like, I'll give you like a 9 or a 10 at the least, bro. But like, actually, yeah, I'll give you a 10.
Absolutely not, I'm not a mind reader. I don't know your age. At the end of the day, if you're a minor, you shouldn't be on here. And if you're going to post yourself like that, then you've probably heard a lot, lot fucking worse. So shut the fuck up. And get the fuck off of here if you're a minor.