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You're at McDonald's drive-thru, waiting for your food. You then pull out your phone, playing with it, aiming it at the cash window. You then notice a mouse on your drink and on other items in McDonald's. What do you do or say next?
I'd leave. Once again, it'd be like a pay-it-forward thing because I'd probably already have paid for my meal. Excuse me. And I would leave. So, enjoy. I wouldn't be back. Have a great day. Peace.
You know what I'ma be doing? I'ma be fuckin' marchin' in there and tellin' them to go fuckin' check the back for fuckin' rats, and if they still fuckin' see them shits and think that they're not there for no fuckin' reason, I'm fuckin' suin' that shit, cause I ain't fuckin' dealin' with them fuckin' rats. Them rats are ugly as fuck and they carry diabetes and shit like that, I don't care what the fuck they... they... I don't care what the fuck they carry, just get them shits outta my fuckin' drink, you dumb bitch.