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Go outside, I mean Hanging out with friends is honestly better than playing video games all day. I mean the games get boring and shit, then you'll have nothing to do.
Well, if all the electricity in the world stopped, there would be no cell phones, no video games, no work for anybody. I would be probably out in the woods, rugging it, putting my time to the most effort. Peace.
I'm going outside and I'm touching some grass because like there's very few people that I know online but the two people that I do three people quite a couple of people maybe four that I do know online like that'd be kind of you know disappointing that I'm no longer in contact with them.
I would walk to my friend's house, and then I would jump through her window, and then I would jump into her bed, and then I'd wait for her to come into her bedroom, because she would hear me jump through the window, because they're always locked, and so I would have to break the window. So she'd come into her room, and then she'd ask what I was doing there, and then I'd say, well, the Internet went out. And so, yeah, and then I just stayed with her for the rest of my life.