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Treyshawn Conner
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Treyshawn Conner
Treyshawn Conner
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Boy, that shit so motherfuckin stiff them hoes was not trying to move Fuck you put in your hair dog. Y'all shit did not want to move. That shit was like Crust on that hoe man Fuck you got on your shit
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Me get some hoes Brody, yeah, I had childish for bringing up my bitch. It's crazy. You're a childish ass little man I'm talking about I'm gay for commenting on y'all hair and then y'all shit stiff as fuck ***** I'm telling you loosen that shit up bitch ass ***** far over there punch you in your fucking jaw and knock your shit loose You hear me? fuck ass boy Put your real voice on *****. Talk to me like a man. I mean a bitch on God You
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You a bitch made boy, old pussy ass *****, fuck you talking about you hear me, fucking pussy. Man get some real dreads *****, like me bitch ass boy, cut like that you fat ass, ****** ass *****, knock your shit loose boy, I'll beat your mama up and I'll beat your stupid ass up. You playing with me you fucking hoe.
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