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Juicy 603d
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Toler Hill
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Sadly I know eventually you're going to get some hateful ass comments because you know your girl being bigger and she ROZES account you being big but like low-key y'all are adorable as fuck like no matter what he'll get like don't stop being you like this is a cute ass relationship and y'all are matching like that's cute as fuck
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I don't wanna go that big big as fuck my Knigge shit that shit he didn't lose some weight on some keto diet stop shit bro she's a fucking well then I can't even get his dick in her she's so fat
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You know what thank you very much for the comment we love it I love her she love me like I said this is true love I don't give a fuck with nobody else got to say no comments or anything of that nature I'm in love this is my baby forever I got somebody I can come lay my head down to gonna have me regardless as in regards to people talking about she big baby his fucking dick beautiful luscious all of that time
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Now Toler hill please get your ball light skin no pussy get an ass out of here and that's a fuck him since I never heard of this Knigge who don't get no fucking pussy you're a fucking dress on even know what else to say to your lame ass do you hopping on my shit, it doesn't mean you must like it that deftly mean that you must like you like them curves you like that thickness boy and I can tell you how I feel maybe you need to get you a big one
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Shit you're not lying though like they always say big girls do it right like the girls do it really not lying like I should know I'm like I'm a fat girl myself feel like all I gotta say I've been better than you know my skinny bitches they've been with like my baby daddy like man's like attach like by the fucking head like this man cannot fucking get rid of me like I feel like if you try ambulate he keeps coming back for more and more
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