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I will give you to post as well gets it rocking right so here's the first post I'm done with basketball I'm done with an MBA I'm done with Brooklyn Nets bring or ice hockey I love ice hockey let's go ranges right my second post is going to be I don't care about a lady with a bubble but in a bubbly personality I'm good with that no more bubble butts and bubbly personalities I want a big tit bimbo Right away all my friends and family's gonna call the police for a wellness check at my home right away
And probably post pictures that are not the typical me like me eating lettuce Or me drinking apple juice Weird things like that I will be ordinary because like I hardly even eat lettuce but I don't know somethings wrong
Yeah I have each of the white people rule I think you to second comment they say something about going somewhere with white folks Yo what's up with that up with Luke they hold on what white folks
Okay, I would say I am Calling out For you This is my favorite song. What are you talking about? Hey, hey, hey kidnapper. Just kidding guys. I'm not with a kidnapper No, no, no way. Hey. Hey, sir. Hey, I'm just it's a song. I like let me sing it. I'm just performing a song Please come