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How many I gave France OK I see a deer how many a guy gay friends that you are say that's all different character we're gay people do art is always something fit inside something else like their master and puzzles I want to take a gay person to a museum on the state we walking around with instructor I'm like yo what are the statues missing penises Are you notice kind of find out this Niga took them all somebody building a masterpiece fax line
I mean I don't even have any like Hey friend can you help me on the first question but like I feel like gay friends that you are and who the best artist causes restless but there's they would spread there's us into like that Art unless there is just to make Interesting on creative art who is this
Yeah what's up with that I don't have any girlfriends at the moment but I guess that was the questions I was answering it but much love to you hope you have a great day dreamy