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From one of the craziest story I listen to the song sue a school right I give my best friend Sheila girl I gave her an adult we will eat that bitch together at the same time 12 hours later with me back up in the lunch room recently added lunchroom we go to her back and no one knows about when we get the fuck in and then meet her we got the yeah yeah Jean Nevette night wing a cut
But like three minutes I say 30 minutes afterwards Getting ready to bust my nut She kinda trash me and I she might have a key I don't know what I'm scared that I don't know my mom was like see you do what the hell is wrong with you and she was like
She was late so Why did you fall asleep in class today Oh she did you called her that they believe on the second class I thought she found out that's the one I thought she found out about it good no thank God my teacher had the best idea to call my mom that day but I was happy as shit
So I went to school ones in this guy offered me gummy's in I thought they're like actual gummy's so I took the whole bag and you paid me a lot for them and I was like what the fuck why are you being so much but like I was hungry so like I still paid and then I ate all of it up I can't tell you what happen cause I don't remember honestly but I do have recordings of me during the school because like my friends recorded him they said it is him A girl
This took place eighth grade year right so basically I smoked a blunt and I eat an edible like five minutes before I had to go into the fucking school building so by third period I still wasn't feeling anything but soon as fourth period came I started to feel everything it was just like a wave so basically all my friends thought they were some thing up
But they didn't say anything about it because they were like oh she didn't get any sleep she doesn't sleep at night so there's nothing it's probably just a sleepy or some thing so the person that I was crushing on at the time she knew that there was something up like big time so he came up to me and he's like what the hell is wrong with you and I told him everything
Mrs. is how I got expelled so I told him everything I even told him that I liked him so I pull down his pants in front of everyone by the way and I sucked his dick having no shame for what I'm doing he just did there and let me do it too and then when my gym teacher finally noticed it was like 20 minutes before he noticed
My gym teacher he's pretty chill so he was just like I won't say anything about this situation I won't say anything about the situation but this could never happen again and and he had to like put us all in the circle and he was like I won't say anything y'all can't say anything I just can't lose my job
Do you know that we have that one person in our fucking class they don't know how to keep their fucking mouth shut so she told her friend group and the other girl in her friend group told him another friend group of hers and I got expelled for sucking dick in the middle of Jim Klaas