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In terms of physical smoking, they're both bad, but like, smoking, you have a higher chance of getting lung cancer through smoking than you do getting liver failure from drinking.
They're both equally like bad as an addiction wise, but emotionally alcohol takes the win because it is just terrible and makes people angry and like it can make people victims to you know being molested or something and it's just terrible all around. So if there had to be one that gets banned first, it's drinking.
I feel like it depends on how much you drink and smoke, but I feel like in drinking, because like the more you drink, it's like, you keep drinking and drinking and drinking, and like, you're gonna have liver, whatever it's called, liver thingy, disease, and smoking is just like, um, smoking is just, I know people that have been smoking since 12, and they're still not even dying, and they're like 50 years old now, what the hell, so yeah, I feel like drinking is more.