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This is actually an Instagram filter but am I a millennial mom yes You sound like you're about 12 dude OK all right so if I'm a mom and you're a little baby but I have some more respect all right care all right
Child listen to me OK Being honest at someone else's expense which by the way your comment wasn't even like mean or anything I guess you know but still yeah you trying to be funny is someone else's expense it's not good it's not a good look you should not do that that's all I Gotta say that's my word of advice for you also I have a rap so I'm just doing a visual for my rap that's me rapping on there did you hear the rap
This one's one of my favorite music pieces from you. I was shaking my thighs to this song. Like, I know how to samba, and I feel like I could samba to this song. Shout out to you, Meg Starr. Keep it coming.
Making people dance is one of my ultimate, like, goals with my music, so thank you. But, um, this is actually Amanda Rose's song, Real Hot Stunner. Um, she did an open verse, so that was my verse on, uh, her beat. And, like, the song is really dope. You can stream it, um, Amanda Rose. But, yeah, if you go on TikTok on her page, she has this as an open verse as well. So, that's why I had to join in. Cause, yeah, I was poppin', lockin', and droppin' when I heard it. I'm like, I could really hop on this and show my versatility. Again, much love to you.