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Kaylee Brooks 350d
Kaylee Brooks
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Kaylee Brooks
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Ask questions, nothing nasty or negative or inappropriate, just nothing like, nothing.
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OK so for number one I would be in a house and phone number to minimalist and I would rather have my room like kind of decorated like almost like decorated so I mean that's a question thanks for axing
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You're very welcome. Have a blessed day.
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First of all, hello, hello, how are you? Alright, question number one. Uh, darn it, I had it in my head. Oh, here we go. Would you rather live in an apartment, condo setting, a townhome setting, or a house? Too adult? I'm sorry. Uh, number two, maximalist or minimalist? Would you rather have your room super decorated, or kinda decorated, or in between? Ooh, I'll have some more, but that'll be a next recording.
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Here's another question. What's your favorite dream that you remember? Here's your other question Someone you saw one day that really made you Like them that might be a terrible question. I'm sorry. I'm not thinking these through. Okay. Here's another question Do you look at fanfiction? What's your favorite type? And that's all I can think of they're weird, but I mean hey, there you go have a good day
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So my favorite dream was like I was in the forest and I saw butterflies like flying around and like it was just like kids like playing and stuff so number two I don't have a question for number two I have a answer for number two I like I love fanfiction like fanfiction I will say anime and like Pikachu or something like that so yeah that's your that's your answer
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Noice, noice, thanks for answering. Good stuff. Good stuff all around. My favorite type of fanfiction is from the genre, well it's not really a genre, yes it is, from like the game section, which in this case is EarthBound. If you've ever played Super Smash or Super Smash Ultimate and you see Ness, they are from EarthBound. I'm a fan of that. And that's all I can remember from like, your answers. Like I just had a blackout. Have a good day, goodbye!
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