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That's all I do, Bones. I'm just trying to give the word of God in the most honest way possible. Whether they accept it or not, it's up to these stupid hoes, only on the Hoodie Stereo.
Man I'm so tired of these bitches having some old I don't know how to work this app it is in a picture of a pussy hoe I don't know how to use this app like shut the fuck up and proceed introduce yourself I don't want to see your ass I don't wanna see your Niga slapping your ass like if I wanna porn I know where to go for that shit that I said I never post another strap but That's all you do goddamn
First off, I want to give a shout out to Intuitive Womb, one of the only black women that I respect on this platform. And for her to say this, this is why the Don is needed. Because she already saw the light, but a lot of you hoes don't see the light. So I got to make you hoes see the light. I got to knock you out with words and wake you up with some ginger salts. Stupid ass bitches always thirst trapping only on a hoodie stereo.