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I also just reiterate the question so yeah yeah your significant other say hey yeah I cheated but they gave me $100,000 to do it do you know what is your response to that
I would definitely tell the person that it's over I do not want to be with him I don't want no contact with him after this time you cheated material gain that's weird yeah I know
Yo dreamy that was a great answer on his show a lot about your character to that's double integrity one you cheated so at the end of the day you're good on that person and you're not looking for revenge you're not you don't even want any money you know they just like take it and go so that's great integrity on your part because I'll be scheming awesome day Then I'll go
My response to that would be why didn't you tell me we could've discussed it first come to an agreement whatever but the fact that you did it first is shady you've got something to hide
Yo that was a powerful response I respect that you know like why don't why couldn't we had talked about it at first I probably gonna say yeah I am but no that's far does need to hear my dick it doesn't matter cause you're a very wet behind my back so I was gonna stop you from going by my back again in the future
I feel you I feel you well that is some lowlife shit and I might have to get some lowlife revenge you feel me like it for honey K might be leaving with me
It's a big shocker for me because I'm very disappointed and I'm very shocked. Like $800, whoa. And I'd be like, you better move on up with Becky with the good hair because, you know, your girl deserve better and, you know, I'm going to keep it moving. But my reaction to answering your question would be shocked. I'd be surprised.
Yeah auntie yeah he's like an is 100,000 by the way so as I would love to broaden Colson million dollars by goddamn broke my heart yummy I feel you auntie