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Hanan Tiller 341d
Hanan Tiller
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Mentality 341d
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Joe Biden 341d
Joe Biden
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Sir Charlo 340d
Sir Charlo
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Hey guys Jones about this year so Muslims go around prayed in the book and say things like oh I'll leave as long right now there's no contradictions that's not true because this is an inherent contradiction in the Koran thing syrup chapter 2 verse 34 says and remember when we said to the Angels roster yourself before Adam and they prostrated except for saying so from that verse allies telling the Angels to do something and then it says they prostrated they are the angels except for saying so normal personal reasons verse they'll go away thinking the same as an angel but it'll in the Quran says that he's a gin and Jen and angels it's a different day because angels have to listen to every command of a law but Jens they don't they they had jeans have free will Oh so you know this doesn't make sense for three reasons because if Satan is Angel and not a gym that will be a contradiction because they're two different things in the Quran called him again but if he is a gin and he's not angel than allies does nobody's talking about because he's telling the answer to do something and not see you and he told Angela do something and I expected saying to do it but seeing that Angel so it doesn't make any sense and thirdly of jeans are angels then that's another contradiction because Angels have to listen ever come in and see if so if I go in a room and I said hey all the Mexicans stand up and then this white guy is still sitting and I go to heaven say hey why don't you stand up he would look at me like I'm like I'm stupid because I didn't ask the white people stay in Alaska Mexican standoff so this is in a haircut six of the crown and Muslims they'll always finds a way out of it because it's not about contradictions it's just about them living Muhammad
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If I remember correctly there's a difference between a jinn which is a demon and an angel who has fallen. I forgot the correlation because I used to study it back some years ago. But there's a difference between the two. One transfers into the other. Something like that. Not supporting the Quran. Just saying.
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