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Dɾҽαɱყ 355d
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Earthangel 355d
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Hey, how's it going? Much love to you. Hope you're having a great day. Dreamy.
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Hi playboy bay oh play Darby sorry but your voice is like so hot MetLife to you Shalla
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What's this supposed to be, like, how you really come up with my shit, talking about I don't have pictures, I'm a rude ass bitch, and, bitch, what is that, like, do we want to see your earlobes and your crusty ass motherfucking nails, bitch?
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Honestly girl your voice is fucking annoying I am not a rude ass bitch I commented under somebody else's and your little fuck ass decided to come answer so you're literally need to shut the fuck up bitch like how am I rude and you sitting here coming at me because I comment under somebody else's and called me a bitch first and I'm rude like please take a look at yourself again in the fucking mirror like what good night
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