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um I don't know who the fuck you are but I was fucking choking at that time and trying to say you're so pretty oh my god but I was fucking choking and I really wanted to say it because I don't know why I was really retarded even I said that to myself um but I don't know who the fuck you are I don't know why the fuck you're just trying to say I sound so goofy and I sound like the Grinch throughout gang signs so shut the fuck up Frankie
Bro you sound so goofy bullshit all that so bro nobody thought was gonna let us line bro what I'm on who I was talking to but I know you lying bro he was not choking on anything bro
Bro that was so fake at the beginning it got that that was first come on bro get on my face with your LGBTQIA plus plus plus bro how about you please get a boyfriend bro and was not talking bro get off this app release on my goofy right now bro