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My biggest red flag is when she stabbed me in the jugular with a crayon that shit fucking her I mean like honestly she was like she was such a nice girl but her biggest red flag was gonna kill me on a daily basis like every day she tried to stab me with an assortment of sharp objects not always dodge and weave weave Idaho dodge but I failed and she's going to run the fucking jugular just don't get it My fucking jugular
This is the most relatable thing I've read all day, and I thank you, and I cannot stress how much I thank you, for finally speaking up about these situations, alright? Bitches be stabbin' and diggin' they shit in jugglers all around the globe, and people need to speak up.
My biggest red flag is when they're like... Huh? When the guy uses a three-in-one shampoo. Like, guy, get a... Get separate fucking shampoos and shit. No one wants a three-in-fucking-one. You're mostly crusty boosty. And when they have the Saturdays over the boys flag. Get away! Like, what the fuck is wrong with men?
A big red flag for me is when my partner or significant other doesn't respond to my texts, mistreats me, you know, doesn't answer calls, you know, totally not putting any effort in the relationship and, you know, running off when I go on a date or something like that. That's a big red flag. So that was a big red flag.
The biggest red flag is definitely when motherfuckers just post themselves too much. Like, bro. Stop posting yourself way too much motherfuckers on social media. That's a red flag.