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He is a boy can you do for table talk with you and you know it's not feeling she get it from who me and that's on period guess what I have a new mascot coming OK I'm not gonna tell you what it is I didn't mention it in a recent show you can go back and we play the show to figure out the animal ears but do not come back here and comedy if you know what it is but if you don't know what it is and you do wanna play the game guess what go head and drop answers below whoever gets the right answer and whoever is the first person to get the right answer will get a month supply of Mary Kay products and I do sell products for man and I also sell products for women But yeah, below what do you think the mascot is
The new stereo mascot his head as he got to be like I had to shave like butt cheeks it's OK cause I saw this app is for a head ass is supposed to be free