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Bro, just take those fucking contacts out, bro, what the fuck? Dude, what the hell are you even doing at this point? And also, you spelled favorite wrong, just like, you know... Just stop what you're doing, bro, that's... that's... no, no, no, no!
Nah, cuz all y'all hatin' on this *****, but if he really, right, if he gets his fuckin' shit in like some curls, right, he start chewin' some gum, starts like, doin' like his shit, if he really start doin' that shit, this motherfucker will be unstoppable. This motherfucker can have like a level 10 glow up. If he really, like, he can get off that vampire shit and all that, like, oh, of the devil and something, like, if he really can get off that corny shit, he will look like a model.