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This is Leah, that sounded so petty. And I agree with you, and I love it. So I'll be playing it for her and I'll let you know what she says. I think you're right. I agree with you. 1000%.
I'm a big fan of audiobooks so I'm gonna agree with your roommate because you're not reading it, you're not looking at any pages or turning any pages you're actually just listening to the book being read to you. So it doesn't count.
See I get near coming from but I don't agree because like I have a very limited amount of time and I love books I love reading but I can't read in public transportation that makes me really dizzy so what I can do is audible and I think that's reading
Back in the day I used to love books since I'm a reader, but when I heard about audiobooks, It became much easier and I still love it to this day. So I would say audiobooks
Yeah I'm the reason you said that is because audible is fucking reading like there's a bunch of people that would rather build be listening to like I don't fucking know Dua Lipa instead of to book and no shape to miss Dua Lipa I love her but you know what I mean