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Oh, see, I'm so glad that we both came to terms with the fact that One Piece is the greatest enemy on Earth and Islam in opinion is the fact. I'm so sick of hearing people say mid-piece, all the filler goes too long like that favorite anime is the Nardo Shibbidon on Netflix in dub.
You blew the crap out of my eardrums, gosh! But, um, and my ears are still ringing. But yeah, I agree with both of y'all on that note. My favorite anime is Trigun, but I'd say that one piece is a top contender.
Where ever a.m. has felt isn't one piece is definitely the greatest anime of all time I don't care why no fucking fellas daughter episodes is be talking too much like that even enough hours in my opinion
The Hanna Hanna pullout line is so peak, it's on point. Everything is decently structured and it's not treated like it's this grand glow thing. All the characters stayed the same age but more powerful.
I love hunter X I love her ex when I start getting to the camera and that's when I started to be like what the heck is happening of course I still watched it and I liked it but I was confused
Okay, a lot of people don't really like Demon Slayer, but I'm glad you do because I do also. and have you ever heard of MyHeracademia? And that's one of my first favorites.
Validant underrated opinion to be honest because I was so invested and interested in like the science behind dr. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna make a phone out of all these materials now.
Bro, I have not watched anime in a while cuz of school and stuff, but that sounds like Like, 100, 100. Please tell me I'm right. did that sounds like on your own.
Yeah I'm into hentai from one of my favorite things is number one on my list and I'm into anime I'm actually watching season six of my hero academy because fuck all the other shit
Ever disgrace hentai again for a beat you to a bloody pulp and I will stomp on you I will crush your brain cross your heart I'll eat out your organs don't you ever disgrace enter
Other people watching time and that's literally my fitting size they gotta did you get fed of hentai will take her days will be the best everybody watches hentai
Yep and I'm a keep enjoying it if you got a bubble Delete hentai try and get it deleted but I will always find a way and yeah I am average a day enjoy it what about it
i really like one piece um but my all-time favorite is probably mob psycho. i just- it was was so fun to watch and so cute. but also I really like soul eater too. soul eater was really good.
Right now my favorite anime is Fruit Basket. I mean I just got done watching it but it's so hard for me and it's like wow. Well, put a smile on my face sometimes. Yeah.