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Would you prefer 20 cents that doubles every day for 30 days, so that's 20 cents, 40 cents, 80 cents, so on, or 1,000,000 pounds right now that I will put in your hand?
Double it up baby but don't let me cash it out until it's all in the bank yeah because otherwise I'll be spending it on silly little things I've just watched on the program that I'm watching grantor you're a crash there's a car with wings
Yep, it doesn't work if you take the 80p and you take some of it on day 3 and then what you go do is you go buy a can of Sprite, a can of Lemonade, that is not what to do. But Bex, you know the deal, you ain't getting caught up with these tricks. I don't know what you mean about the car has wings, sounds like a bad Red Bull advert, but apart from that you are on the ball.
Yeah just cause the cars got wings don't mean it can actually fly there's plenty of birds have got wings it can't fly is sanitary towel that's got wings now if that started flapping around the rain we be fucking worried
Well Bex and Lyndon, when I'm driving I can bring the wind mirrors in and out and sometimes I like to do it when I'm driving so that I feel like I'm a pilot like I'm extending the wings now but I'm just a loser.
I think I picked the 1,000,000 pounds because although the devil in one does sound really good and in the end it will be more little SIL take longer to get some money and if you have 1 millions of pounds then you can already invested now and have a better chance of the improving and even getting higher or you can take the start of business right now and get even more money than you would over the duration of time
I like it I like it a lot but if you're guaranteed 30 successful trades in 30 days no it doesn't come around you're getting a hundred percent in each trade that isn't easy so for that reason probably wouldn't have picked a million it's only if you think you're going to die tomorrow all right
Tablet they get money money make them money but I'm like everybody else give me the money when it's all pounded up I see what I did there piled pounded who cares pineapple plant a pound it out
Well, if you want to be smart, you could be like, oh, I want the million because tomorrow's not promised. But yeah, it's 107 million or over 107 million if you double 20 pence or cents every day.