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Here's another would you rather with pineapple planet would you rather go back to the passing meet your ancestors would you rather go to the future and meet your grandchildren hot tub Time Machine style pineapple planet out
I would, those are two great questions, by the way, even though I don't have children, I know it's a hypothetical question, definitely I would go, want to go and meet my ancestors because that's the past, the legacy, and how can we know where we are and where we're going without knowing the knowledge of our past? Definitely I would want to go meet my ancestors.
Free mind I loved your answer I love how you processed it all and brought it all the way to the beginning and UPS you knew exactly how to tag that one loved your answer pineapple planet out
considering there's a lot from my past that I would like to change maybe go back and meet my ancestors I mean I kind of wouldn't mind meeting my grandchildren either just to find out who they are and what they will become but blessings to everyone peace
Travis you got a pick one pass for future you got a pick one would you rather not maybe I do this maybe I do that with Chuck which one which one bud am I would say future I feel like I know enough about my past my grandparents did really good job tracking my ancestors and things yeah the past is cool but I don't think I would change anything about what's currently going on in my life and so I really like to see you don't do my kids have kids you know what it
Sorry I got cut off what is the future have in store for me and my family so I yeah that's why I go back to the future turn the villager pineapple planet out
I think I'm going to have to choose going back in time to meet my ancestors because I never gave birth to any kids, so I won't have any grandchildren. And furthermore, if I try to project myself into the future and the world's ended, does that mean I end too? Now I'm going to check out the ancestors. Mm-hmm. Love and light.
No I think if you go into the future master Michelle it's more like what is that land of the lost like you're a part of Armageddon but like you're just like there you know I mean like you're not really doing much but it's just there I think you'll be just depressing just be like oh so this house it goes down pineapple planet out
I don't know how come you're missing everything. I made a special shortened slogan for Pineapple Planet Out. It's called Pineapple Plout. That's all you have to say. Plout.
Most definitely. Back to the future I go. My grandmother on my dad's side was an orphan so I definitely want to know what's going on with that. She also had two other siblings that I never met on my mom's side. Never met my grandfather. So I definitely am inquisitive about that. So back to the future I go.
Me personally I would rather go back and meet my ancestors because my biological father was adopted and my mom doesn't know her father so I don't know anything about my heritage or what race I could be home and on top of that one day I will eventually meet my grandkids but I'll never had the opportunity to go back and meet my ancestors so obviously I'm gonna change the urge choose the one that would be less possible to do in real life