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I would say body count does not matter to me because this is the persons past that she choose to be with this is something that she cannot change it already happened so you know out of respect for my partner it would not matter to me as long as they're faithful to me and honest and true much love to you beautiful
Far too many people are hung up on body count. Here's the thing, it's your personal business how many people you've slept with and people shouldn't be asking that question because this happened before you met them so who gives a shit? I don't.
No it shouldn't matter but I think it does unfortunately but that's more my personal base where it shouldn't matter because it's technically the present the future it's not really the past
oh yeah i'm down for a girl that's been like railed like a thousand penises bro like that's what i'm looking for right like bam bam like thank you baby thank you for trying to giving me like a crumb of that like beat out like fucking thing you got in your pants oh thank you so much
Then the must same, you know, the same must apply for guys, right? You know? Thanks for giving me a dick who's been drowned in a thousand pussies. Thanks for giving me the juices of a thousand other women. You know? Sounds gross, doesn't it?
Um, it matters to an extent, like, it depends, like, if, like, the person was just going around fucking people because they a fucking hoe, or, like, or, like, if, like, they, like, fucking people because they love them, but then they, but then they break up eventually, then it's, like, I don't think there's nothing wrong with that, because, like, you love that person, you thought you was committed to that person, but, like, everything went fucking sideways, but, like.
No it doesn't matter it shouldn't matter people shouldn't judge others because of their body count like we're all human we all go through things we all do things and it's it's one life we get to live so why not make the best of it make the fullest of it as long as it's consensual and you like the person knows what they're doing it should be fun like literally that's just me that's my personal opinion teach thrown