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Bro, I know your her back is aching, her bra is too tight, her boobs popping from left to the right, for real, for real, but first off, there ain't no bra, because those things are sagging all the way down to her fucking knees, like girl, what the fuck, you got those granny tits, anyways, and first off, why are you sitting like that, like you look constipated, like your face looks constipated, like you haven't shit in like five days, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet and stop sitting down on the floor, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at, girl, go sit on the fucking toilet, like what am I looking at