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Um, I don't know if we're supposed to be rating this or not, but I'm gonna go ahead and do it. You're probably Probably solid 3 out of 10. I don't know the name kind of brings it down a lot like Junga It's kind of cool, but also it's a pretty weird name So I don't remember what I gave you but I'm gonna go with 4 to 10
Oh you know how to fuck with my name I like my name I think it's cool I think it's unique and different I'm actually happy I don't have a basic name because I'm probably the only girl well or only person in the world that has the name Jungkook And you can go suck my fucking dick
Yeah, I don't know why you took that shit so serious, it was obviously a joke, but I gave you a 4 out of 10, and because you responded with some bullshit, I'm gonna give you, you know what? You're down to a 2 out of 10. So I hope you're happy, and maybe I will go suck your fucking dick, you never know.
No, I heard that. I heard that name before. I think it was from Mortal Kombat. The Jungkook guy from Mortal Kombat. That sounds like a lot of buddhist names. I'm a mama.
I think you're hiding right now to try and not get caught by the school for huffing on that pea-colored vape you got there. That's probably what it tastes like too, but you know, because of the nicotine, it's probably hardwired to your brain at this point like a fungus.
You actually got a couple of things wrong The device that I'm holding is in fact not nicotine it is 0% Nick I'm on the journey of quitting you know one step at a time second of all not in the school bathroom I'm at the movies so I was in the movies bathroom soul Yeah
You guys are kind of rude on here anyways girl you look so pretty like is giving prey but you are so rude on here you need to literally just go to jail
Thank you so much I don't know why people are hating but it is what it is it was my first post like I just wanted to check this app out and shit oh no but it's fine I love your voice by the way it's like very nice and chill and girl you're pretty as well to