GloInDaDark What’s the longest you have went w/o sex?Suivre868PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
GloInDaDark Are you compromising or scarificing more in your relationship? 🤔 #RELATIONSHIP #RELATIONSHIPS
GloInDaDark Men: Do you listen to what a lady tells you what she like during sex? Are you even taking the time to know her body to know what she wants? 🤔 Tune in today to Konversations With Glo Radio Show.
GloInDaDark Do you think the influence starts with the home? Are the parents responsible for a child’s behavior when they are not around the parents? 🤔
GloInDaDark What type of music do you like? Does the beat or the lyrics catch you first? Tune in today! 😎
GloInDaDark Are you a music head? Do you like samples of music? Be sure to tune in this Wednesday! 💪🏽 #Music
GloInDaDark Tune in today! Scan the QR to subscribe to Konversations With Glo Podcast. #Podcast #Relationship