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Chillax man Millie just relax. They just want to be so hot in the pants dude. They're just gonna make you angrier even more At least like I said before at least I believe you they just want to be so caught up in the crossfire with this man It's just that I don't understand when they look at the picture. I how come I see it. They don't They just want to be so hot in the pants where they want to be like
Are you wearing no clothes? Nah, this is wild. You trying to milk the ten-year-olds of their- of their money at this point. I'm so- you probably gonna get banned. You gotta delete this.
I don't care if that's a tan body suit, you still made a conscious decision to post that thing even though you know people are gonna think you're double-cheeked up, probably trying to recreate the turbulence meme.