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I'd rather be stranded on the side of the road, because if you think about it, you'll eventually find your way back home. And, like, if you're on the planet, even if you can discover new things, like, who wants to do that? So, yeah.
stranded on the edge of the road like hello i got my own stuff i got my own stuff i know how to do shit um and you could just find a random car to get in most likely serial killer but it's something it's something
Could you imagine being trapped on a random planet and then getting pulled up on by like a donkey with human legs that'll be fucking terrifying I don't I mean I'd rather be trapped on the planet anyways but you know
Who the hell would want to be stranded on another planet? Uh, goddamn, stranded on the side of the road? I'm here charkin'. Stick my thumb up, do a big ol' thumbs up, and stick that baby up here. And I'm done. I am safe. I'm going to the nearest town, and I'm getting an apartment. But on another planet, I'm dead. I'm gone, uh, motherfuckin' yesterday. I am the past. I'm not the present. And I'm definitely not the future. So, that's my answer. Good luck.
Oh dude, I kind of misread that. I was like, would you rather a trap or like femdom? And I'm like, I don't know dude, it's kind of a strange question. I never really thought about it. Like, what do you think? Like, would you rather like a trap or femdom?
If I get stranded on the side of the road I'm going to hitchhike because why the fuck would there be a robber no drivers bitch ass Knigge you thought that was a hard ass question what the fuck am I doing a different planet bitch ass Niga what planet Niga Niga fuck you I don't like you