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Oh, hell yeah, dude. You look like a fucking lumberjack that's about to go on summer vacation, bro. Fuck yeah, dude. Trading in trees for the beach, man. Time to, like, sip on some fucking mimosas, kick off the fucking Red Wings, bro, and just sit back, man.
Has- has anyone ever told you you sound like the- the turtle from Finding Nemo? Anyone? There's gotta be someone in your life that's mentioned that you sound like the turtle from Finding Nemo. Look it up. If you don't know what I'm talking about, which I would be absolutely shocker, dude.
Oh dawg, like who fucking knows dawg, like I might actually be a turtle, you know what I mean? Like under the fucking ocean, like stick my little head out of my shell, like, give me my phone, dude I'm on stereo, we're part of this guy, you know, like my fucking, my waterproof phone dawg Yeah, I'm totally not a fucking turtle, dude. I'm definitely a person, like, trust, trust me, bro Like, you know what I mean? I'm definitely not a turtle, dude, trust me
Boy, you fit as fit. I bet you eat cows all day because you look like one because you're from the country. Like, go back to the hood, boy. You need to be on 600-lb. Life. You could be my favorite person on 600-lb. Life, boy. Go back to McDonald's. Get a Coke. Don't even get it diet. You just want to be Morgan Wallen so bad. It's crazy. You built like Morgan Wallen's booty hole.
Alright, so instead of completely messing you up, I'm just gonna be honest and give you growth tips. I don't really know what's going on with your hair, but you need to fix that. I think you have an Android. If you don't have an Android, just get a better phone case, cause I was out. Your shit is giving wannabe country boys, so you need to fix that. Also, glasses, they're either on or off. They're not gonna be dangling around your neck. Like, and also, what is that cringey filter? Like, what are you, nine?
Max Up Next I'm really not like you to like only the second person in the entire world that says I'm ugly like I'm for real not ugly also use a little gay were saying that does majestic like bro what you talk about where is Joel I know you don't got no don't lie and his eyebrows like he got a fucking eyebrows but whatever you say I guess I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you forever like bye