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Bunny Jay 364d
Bunny Jay
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Ravebae 364d
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Lita J 364d
Lita J
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Caitlin Luv 363d
Caitlin Luv
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Samantha 363d
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So Kiki Palmer's baby daddy did not like the outfit that she had on and I guess what she was doing he said she is a mother what do y'all think
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I don't think she did too much. She was having fun. She just had a baby. She's having fun. She looks fucking good So why not wear it like come on now her baby daddy need to pipe down and chill out He shouldn't never went to fucking social media. He should have fucking talked to her
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The problem is is that men will use the same thing that they love about you as a reason to use it as the same reason that they now hate and resent you she bounce back from your pregnancy she looks amazing and he knew before they got together that she was a vibrant outgoing person and if you can't handle that now then he never well I think that she should definitely leave him before the red flags get better
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She did amazing and I would wear that.
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I think he needs to shut the fuck up, because what she has on does not define how she is as a mother, period.
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Quite honestly, I think she popped off. I think she looks sexy as hell and no matter if you're a mother or not You can dress how the hell you want to ain't her baby daddy Her baby daddy got no control over what she wears. She your own person her kid Maybe his because it's his kid too But her no
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