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So lately there have been a lot of shark sightings really close to the shoreline and this is making me so scared I'm getting those money again like even setting my foot on the edge because I am so afraid of the ocean first off and second of all definitely sharks are on my fear list but I know there's a lot of people that aren't even afraid of sharks because they're just like they're so friendly like yada yada yada oh I don't know I want to hear your thoughts what are y'all think about sharks and there's all this
Leave them alone what did I do to you is trying to have a very nice vacation is trying to have a very nice time in the water feed them alone calm down to threaten you wow
So right now I am in Kansas and what's been happening because I'm in the middle we've been getting a lot of storms and tornadoes because the energies from the moon are pulling on the oceans and then it creates you know the storms and everything and I think because of all of the magnetic poles and what not that it's pushing everything to the shoreline right now