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Hatiyo Tlopuse
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Eteʀꪀ𖦹 シ︎
Queen Arya D
Eli Anne 620d
Eli Anne
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Eteʀꪀ𖦹 シ︎
Cacophony 620d
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Eteʀꪀ𖦹 シ︎
RuMo 619d
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RuMo 618d
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Eteʀꪀ𖦹 シ︎
Bego Davila 578d
Bego Davila
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Hello, how are you? I'm eternal, I send you greetings. I wanted to create this Sombite a little bit so you can solve my doubts. Let's see, the question I have today is for you to use stereo. I have always said that stereo is a live radio platform that allows you to be on the side of the speaker, the speaker, and it has a lot of variety in that sense. Exterio is what I knew when I first entered here, but it has been modified, it has been optimized. And now that it is a little more polished, here you can do almost everything. A person can come and create a soundbite and learn from time to time to see how the theme that I proposed goes, or listen to soundbites from other user profiles and answer about topics that interest them. You can come to play with the community, you can also visit other regions to practice a language, or if you are in a country that is not your native language, you are still interested in going to the country where your first language was spoken. to learn languages, it's okay to create talks, and be the locutor, and see how you organize yourself, creating your own radio, or it's okay to be a do-it-yourself, and allow you to interact with the people who are participating in the talk. And a little bit of that, knowing that there are so many options for you to use, how it has served you, and if you also tell me a little bit about the talks you like, or the locutors and so on, I remember when I came in here I almost didn't even know what they were, and little by little we are already familiarizing ourselves with the platform and the environment and well, as it has so many options, I wanted to know a little bit about what you use. and nothing, come on, thank you very much
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ometry! caused me under the illusion that famoso trajectory for マルチャー technology ー Because this is very difficult итесь 가지고 Nilu vortex roll... догa
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reptree genital taht 어쨌든 ры Break, d e d do lemons, famil gel nisha, version, u m ras, ڭ a n ṣalūdōs.
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Hola Eli, que tal estás, guapísima? Nada, te mando un saludo y bueno, un placer volver a escucharte por aquí. Y sí que es cierto que me acuerdo que me comentabas que allí en Cuba muchas veces con los apagones, el tema de la electricidad que está mal, pues ahora con esta opción de los soundbites lo vas a tener mucho más fácil para igual seguir el hilo de una charla, no? No hace falta que sea igual una hora, dos horas de podcast, sino que aquí ahora ya puede una persona entrar, lanzar un mensaje y responder cuando tenga momento. Nada, te mando un abrazo enorme y me alegro de tenerte por aquí de vuelta. Nos vemos.
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Hello Eterno, how are you? Well, you have been to our podcast, where we talk about series, movies, video games, Kultura Geek and that. And nothing, we think it is a good application for my friends and me to talk, to connect for a while, because some of us are not in the same country, and to de-stress for a while from day to day.
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Ke tale estamos Kakofoni, un saludo enorme. Si, yo entrao mucho a tus podcasts, la verdad que lo disfruto mucho, bueno, con Daro, con toda la gente que estás, ¿no? Viral, creo que era... es que no me recuerdo todos los nombres, pero sí, sois un grupo de gente muy maja y aparte, pues los temas que tratáis, siempre de películas, videojuegos y demás, es que a quien no le guste eso, al final, pues no se caerá en su vida, ¿no? Tiene que estar a cada uno sus vicios, ¿no? Pero bueno, yo disfruto mucho con vuestras charlas y siempre que os veo por ahí me meto a ver de qué estáis hablando y a ver de qué me entero. Nada más, nada menos.
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