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Milly 366d
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D-one-hater 366d
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So I don't want to know if anybody can guess what's going on in this picture of me because I think that would be kind of funny to see what people think is going on so yeah
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I think scared of, oh I don't know, but like the pants, the shirt, everything is cute, so yeah.
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I don't even know what's going on. I got pre-pressed into doing drugs, nail eyes, drinking, going past hospital or later. Nail eyes, I lost my fucking lips and I use- oh, I'm surprised that they go ask, oh no, I'm done guessing, I gotta hate man. Fuck the grass, I gotta fuck whatever's in your hand. Fuck your shirt, fuck your socks, you, fuck your hair, I don't like the hair color man. Fuck your lips, fuck your eyes, fuck your background, fuck the lips. Oh bro, this is how I feel right now. I fucking love hating. Hating is just what I do at this point, mate. I hate seeing them make it happy. Give it a winging.
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