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Yeah, interesting played all bit. I haven't heard that one before that is an interesting one I live in Northern California, and I've been evacuated four times from wildfires once they stopped four blocks from my place so You know I One of them was I know a couple of the causes of a couple of them I've heard people like say they might be started by harp H-A-A-R-P by the government, but I'm not sure, like direct.
Personally, I tend to think it's just a result of bad forest management practices. The fact that we haven't been doing controlled burns for decades and now there's all that fuel and everything's getting hotter and drier. That's my personal thing. belief.
See, if you like conspiracies, you should definitely read the gateway process, a CIA analysis that was developed by the CIA and Monroe Institute. You can get it on both their websites. And they're analyzing through scientific data, they're analyzing out-of-body experiences. It is something literally out of Doctor Strange.
I want to ask, does the CIA seems to be involved in very what seems to me strange science experiments? Is there some sort of government advantage for doing this? Really cares.
Yeah, I think it's operation gateway I've been looking into that on some documentaries about how they basically are getting people To use both hemispheres of the brain. So it's like a mind expansion operation And who knows if they've been successful or not, but pretty mind blowing.
Well then, so a couple, so MKUltra, Operation MKUltra was a mind control experiment, so with the goals of creating like a Manchurian candidate, like a zombie murder robot, so that would be one goal, and then The Men That Stare at Goats was a movie about Operation Gateway I believe, about Mind Over Matter experiments. So pretty mind blowing.
Yeah I heard but I want to though is like actually so crazy because like it would perfectly explain why like every time is an election there's always some kind of shooting around it and it's always times light perfectly you know I mean it could be a coincidence but like also the same so I mean I don't know it just seems too good of a coincidence you know
Also I'm not trying to say anything about people then school shootings a league I understand that school shootings are terrible totally wrong I'm just saying like the coincidences sound it's just seems a little sketchy now
Oh, I love the the moon landing one Gabriel yeah, how would we know but it's interesting the more I look into that the more it's very suspect, right? Like the astronauts really don't want to talk about it surviving astronauts and they get offended when they're asked about it, which is suspect
The Men Who Stare at Goats is actually based on Stargate. That's what the whole concept was made after. The CIA and the government got in this psychical research to do remote viewing and to see if they can make a living being die just by looking at it.
Yeah, that's a great one. I agree. Apparently, recently it was divulged that they found shell casings, 11 different shell casings on the ground that day. So there goes the single shooter story.
I'll probably have to save the JFK one because I was like it's super interesting and it's like I've been like proven to be true that like he was assassinated relay by the CIA and stuff him or like the one we like it's like Relate the 9/11 it was like stage and stuff like I'm not saying it was but it's interesting to look into
Yeah, man, thanks for your reply. Yeah, JFK is kind of the entrance to the rabbit hole, right? Because that one's been proved that it was completely faked out and 9-11 man. Yeah, there's lots of evidence the Corbett report 9-11 the missing trillions follow the money Best documentary available on YouTube check it out