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I like how everyone's saying that she looks like a bully, but oh god, she does! I'm not even hatin', but like, you look like that though, you wanna like, make fun of somebody for how they look. What?
That hoe is built like a hulk. It's okay. That's all you gotta say. You don't have to be nice about it. Let's be brutally honest on this app. She's built like a fuckin' hulk.
I ain't even gonna lie, it looked like you would send my ass straight back to Mexico. I ain't even gonna lie. It looked like your daddy a redneck and he gonna chase me out with a shotgun and tell you shit. You feel me?
You got a couch is perfectly bro like a Farina if I was like in a group project with this girl bro oh my God I made a mistake or something but I know I fuck I just can't cook bro I ain't a lot like she just be spinning in like 10 minutes trying to roast me for not like just that one mistake bro
No she looks like a total bitch Michael at least she's decent like don't get me wrong but she also just kind a looks like a thought like 300,000 miles of the rusty exhaust pipe color and I mean